Solo painting exhibition
Embrace Embrace One Life to Live
17 - 21 January 2015
Anita Chan Gallery, Hong Kong Fringe Club

展覽分為三個主題部份。。 生存不易。。生存值得。。輕身舞蹈。。
我尋找藝術之路决定於中年之後,同時在這段時期學會了一些關於雕塑、板畫、油畫、攝影及其它許多掌握媒體的技考。也在基本藝術審美批判及設計美學上繼續磨練。。掌握多了一些表達意見慨念的媒介及技考後,每當內心的感動太强烈以至像要在胸前衝開爆破的感覺,便可利用最合適的媒體表達。每一件藝術作品都是我個人的一部份,是原創的,是獨一無二,是我存在於此時此刻而做就了一些好事的鐵證。 我做了作品,我內心就放輕了一些。。
在此我實在要充心多謝多年來教導過我的各位老師,尤期是我在香港視覺藝術中心及中文大學校外進修藝術設計部的時光,多謝好友Janson及阿添,給予我很多支持及鼓勵。。多謝各位藝術路上的前輩師兄師姊,多謝我的家人,朋友,同工,哥哥, 姊姊,支持我的各方好友,及藝穗會。。 多謝來臨的各位貴賓觀眾。。我是萬分多謝您們給予我的包容及忍耐。。祝願平安喜樂
I am deeply honored and very excited to launch my first ever solo exhibition of oil paintings during 17-21 January, 2015 (Saturday to Wednesday) at Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery, Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong.
The exhibition display about 40 pieces of painting works and 15 pieces of photos during my last 10 years of artistic pursuit. The ideas behind them are to cherish the human body form, with concepts drawn from deep psychological feelings through the pilgrimage of growing up and daily living in Hong Kong and elsewhere… air, light, sound, food, senses and inspirations.
The exhibition is divided into three areas… Survival is harsh… Survival is worthy… Dance in weightlessness…
I seek out to discover Fine Art in later part of my life, as I learn to use more tools that I’m capable of handling…sculptural, intaglio, painting, photography or other mix and new media… I can use the most appropriate tool to deliver a message when the voices inside me can be so loud and strong as if about to burst through space. Every painting is a part of me, is unique and original, is sufficient prove that I’ve make a positive contribution in this space and time. It is something so unsettling in my mind I have to get it released from my chest and let it out and then I considered it done for the moment.
Whenever I finished with a painting, I have to cover it up or even package it nicely, putting it out of my sight, as in many occasions my eyes went wet uncontrollably as I cannot believe what I have put down on canvas. More than anything else I want to get rid of the finished works one way or the other as I find them intolerable to my emotions. Many times I feel that my mind is so congest and dense and need to process so many conflicting interests so I do art…it seems to work for me and in the process of artwork making I find peace.
For me this exhibition is not a project but a showcase of who I truly am, and I feel I’ve to do this for myself as if critically examining my own face in front of the washroom mirror. Then spray water onto the mirror and hey it looks not bad at all… I crave to having a feeling of goodness, wholesomeness, and togetherness…
For you the audience visiting this exhibition, I hope you will get something relevant for yourself and that has to be positive energy…please find a chair, sit around, walk around and I promise I’ll buy you a drink if you catch me around (I sure will)… hahaha
Thank you to my sculpture and art teachers at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, and Chinese University School of Continuous Studies, to my dear friends Janson and Tim for so many things they’ve been bearing with me… and forerunners-in-arts, my family, friends, colleagues, brothers and sisters, supporters, and Fringe Club… and to all of you… I’m totally grateful for your treating me with tolerance… Thank You For Coming and Many Blessings to You